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Tue, Nov 06, 18.

The Parables Of Jesus-(Part 06)-Time (and Prophetic) Periods in Jesus' Parables

Jesus’ Activities Fall into Three Major Periods

  1. His time on earth as a man—from birth to ascension
    The major event of Jesus in this time is the establishment of the church through the preaching of the gospel and through his crucifixion and death. We see this in such parables as the parables of the sower [Mat 13:3-9 explained in Mat 13:18-23], of wheat and tares [Mat 13:24-30 explained in Mat 13:37-43],
  2. His time in heaven—from ascension to the end of the age when he will come [Mat 24:3; Act 3:21]
    1. The major event of this period is the preaching of the Gospel and making of disciples from all nations and
    2. The intercession of Jesus in heaven against the accusations of Satan who seeks to disqualify and condemn the saints [Rom 8:33-34 Rev 12:10] that they may not be glorified and so that the kingdom of Jesus Christ may not come. The saints are to reign with Christ; therefore, the kingdom of Christ will never commence if they are not glorified.

    Jesus’ purchase of the field (the world) with treasure in it [Mat 13:49] and the pearl of great value (the church) [Mat 13:45] takes place during this period. The Lord Jesus does this through his intercession in heaven and through the preaching of the Gospel by his servants on earth [Rev 5:9-10; 12:11 cf. Luk 10:18 the preaching of the gospel and making of disciples from all nations is the key to the fall of Satan from heaven which is necessary for the Kingdom of God to come].

    • Jesus in various parables (Wheat and Weeds, Man of Noble Birth, Servants in a Household, Ten Virgins, etc.) made it clear that his time in heaven, before the Church is reunited with him will be very long; at present, it has lasted close to 2,000 years. Come quickly Lord Jesus!
    • Jesus warned of the pollution that would enter the Church during this period as a result of men sleeping (Parables of Wheat and Weeds and Parable of the 10 Virgins).
  3. The end of this age—from the beginning of the end of the age to the end of the end of the age. The end of the age is not a moment but a period of time that will bring an end to this sinful age and usher in the coming age of the kingdom, the age of everlasting righteousness [2Pe 3:13].
    The major eventof this time is the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and the separation of wheat (the righteous among Christ’s disciples) and tares (the unrighteous among Christ’s disciples).

Punishments and Rewards Fall into Two Major Time Periods

  1. Time before the end of the age
    Here we have the punishment of a city and people that rejected the gospel (Wicked Tenants—Mat 21 & ), the punishment of some men with death (Rich fool Luk 12:16-21) and some in the fires of Hades (Unmerciful Servant—Mat 18:34, Rich Man and Lazarus Luk 16:19-31 cf. Mat 5:25-26)
  2. The end of the age
    The punishment at this time majorly concerns
  3. The age to come [there are sins and sinners that will be forgiven in the age to come Mat 12:32]

Rewards Fall into Two Major Time Periods [Mat 19:28-29]

  1. This age. The reward in this age is basically in the love and fellowship and all the blessings that come with is that we will have Church
  2. The age to come. This is where our real joy and reward lays!
I tell you the truth,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel (“for the sake of the kingdom of God”—Luke) will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life.
[Mar 10:29-30 cf., Luk 18:30]